TechRoots - Web Development Lesson 2 Part 1
<!DOCTYPE html>
/* CSS */
// JavaScript

Lesson 5

Adding Images:

Let’s Open our internet browser and find 2 pictures for each category

-2 for home (images of favorite tv show, movie, super-hero, etc.)

-2 for food (images of your favorite foods)

-2 for friend (images of what your friends like and what you guys do together)

-2 for school (images of your school and images about favorite subject in school)

Open all of these images in a new tab (*they can be .gifs*)

But first, let’s learn about a new tag!

In HTML, images or pictures are defined with the <img> tag

The <img> tag is very different than other tags because it does not need a closing tag

Now put the <img> tag after your <p> tag in each section

Now your image tag should something look like this

<img src="" alt="Title" height="300" width="300">

You need this line of code for every image that you add to your webpage. (In each section you will use this line of code 2 times)

Lastly, save your files and open your html documents on a browser.

Congrats! you just added images to your website

*End of lesson 5*